Pediatric Physical Therapy Intensives

Starlight Intensives offers DMI based intensives for 90 minutes per day for 5 consecutive days, for 1-3 weeks. The intensive will be conducted in your home or a common area agreed upon scheduling.

In order to participate in the intensive, a referral for “physical therapy evaluation and treat” from your pediatrician is required as well as completion of intake paperwork.

Prior to the intensive, an online consultation will be performed to review your child’s medical history, discuss your child’s current level of function, and create goals and expectations for the intensive. At the end of the intensive, we will create a home exercise program to further continue your child’s progress.

The intensive can be performed in the Greater Tampa Bay Area or in another area in Florida. If the intensive is in another area in Florida, a minimum of 3 intensives must be scheduled during the same date span in a preferred common location.

Intensives are private pay only with a cost of $1,500. Receipt of payment and/or superbill for potential insurance reimbursement is available upon request. Starlight Intensives is also a direct provider for the FES-UA (formerly Gardiner). In order to book an intensive, a 30% deposit is required and the remaining balance is due on the first day of the intensive.

Please contact to inquire about availability or for more information!



Torticollis is identified by a head tilt to one side and rotation to the opposite side due to shortening of the neck muscles. Research suggests that treatment by a physical therapist is more efficient in achieving symmetrical movements than when parents are the sole providers of the home exercise program. In fact, if your child with torticollis receives help from a physical therapist before 3 months old, you should expect 100% resolution. More specifically, early intervention with a physical therapist results in less visits. With help from a skilled physical therapist, intervention:

  • Prior to 1 month of age, 98% of infants achieve normal range in 1.5 months.

  • After 1 month of age, infants require at least 6 months of intervention.

  • After 6 months of age, infants will require 9-10 months of intervention with decreased achievement of near normal range.

As highlighted above, weekly visits from a skilled physical therapist are effective at achieving good results for your infant with torticollis.

However, intensive physical therapy, especially with early intervention, could result in acceleration of improved outcomes and less visits over time with a skilled physical therapist.

Starlight Intensives offers DMI based intensives for infants with torticollis for 60 minutes per day for 5 consecutive days in your home. The intensive for infants with torticollis is private pay with a cost of $750. Receipt of payment and/or superbill for potential insurance reimbursement is available upon request.

Please contact to inquire about availability or for more information!


  • In 2020, Stacie received postural reflex integration training from a level III CME clinician and observed improved outcomes with her patients in a private outpatient clinic. With an inspiring drive to learn more, she completed level A and B DMI certification last year and looks forward to taking level C this April.

    Stacie utilized DMI techniques during physical therapy intensives and traditional treatments with her previous patients at a private outpatient clinic. She is proud of their accomplishments including improved head and trunk control, head and trunk righting, sitting balance, floor transitions such as sitting to hands and knees, crawling, standing balance, first steps, transitions from floor to standing, walking, stepping over obstacles, and ascending/descending steps.

  • Hillsborough, Pinellas, Polk, Pasco, and Manatee. These counties only require one intensive to be scheduled. However, this could be subject to change based on the travel time to the address of the intensive.

    All other counties in Florida will require a minimum of 3 intensives to be scheduled at a common location for all families.

  • When scheduling an intensive, a 2 hour block will be chosen. The 90 minute intensive will be split into 2, 45 minute sessions with a short break in between for water, snack, and rest.

  • Comfortable clothing, preferably cotton with a snug fit such as pajamas. Also, your child must have shoes with non-slip bottoms. If your child wears orthotics, please provide them with shoes, but also have a pair of shoes for without the orthotics.